Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1642
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Associate- (1-2 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I’m highly motivated, passionate individual with the capability to learn anything which I have interested. I possess the ability to update myself to the current trend & enjoy tacking challenges posed in the way of my passion. I put maximum effort to fulfil my responsibilities. I tend to be an asset and provide the best of myself to your organization.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Engineer - Saberion(PVT) Ltd (August 2022 - Present)

  • Projects
    • LoLc
    • Parent-pay (Backend for a Mobile App)
    • HDFC (Banking web application)

Software Engineer - Ceylon Linux (PVT) Ltd -(November 2021 -August 2022.)

  • Engineered modern “Sales Managment Systems” using Vue/Laravel Frameworks.
  • Built innovative Web Services for Mobile Applications include REST ful APIs.
  • Tech-stacks
    • Large Sales force system Developed using PHP/Larvel, MVC Architecture.
    • Front-end has developed using Vue.js with Vuetify Material Components.
    • Various type Report generation and export to Excel format.
    • Database Managment System maintained by MySql .
    • Version control managed using Git.
    • Visual code for developing purpose

Associate Software Engineer - Innovay (PVT) Ltd (September 2020 - August 2021.

  • Engineered modern Web Applications with PHP, JavaScript, MySQL Server.
  • Tech-stacks
    • Full Application Developed using PHP/Larvel, and Codeiginiter MVC Architecture.
    • View files for Front-end and Back-end has Designed & developed by HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and Ajax requests.
    • Database Managment System maintained by MySQL .
    • Version control managed using Bitbucket and Git Kracken and file sharing done by Filezilla.
    • Visual code for developing purpose.
  • Server Migrations
    • Creating Subdomains and migrate server files and database files.
    • Testing and managing server files.
Hard skills
  • Programming
    • PH
    • JavaScript
    • JAVA
    • Python
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Frameworks
    • Laravel
    • Codeigniter
    • Flutter
    • React
  • Tools & Libraries
    • MySQL
    • Firebase
    • Android Studio
    • VisualCode
    • IntelliJ
  • Design & Video
    • Adobe illustrator
    • Adobe prime pro
    • Adobe lightroom
    • Invision studio
    •  Photograph
Soft skills
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • programming
  • Analytical thinking
  • Multi tasking
  • Problem solving
  • Time Management
  • Honors & Awards
    • Best Project in ICT in 3rd year group project under the track of “Internet of Things” in the academic year 2015/2016.
    • First Runner-up in Start-up weekend conducted by ‘Techstars’ for best innovative idea.
    • First place in inter-university Shortfilm competition.
    • Semi-final participant at ‘HackX’ for the project namely “Real-time animal detection and prevention system for crop fields”.
Special notes

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