Al and Data Science Specialist

Al and Data Science Specialist


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ID : 1479
Software Engineer
Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Expert- (more than year 7)
Special Notes :

Laravel – PHP - OOP, JS - Functional, Android - Kotlin, VisualBasic, Arduino – C/C++, Windows 10, Ubuntu, CentOS, Angular, Python, TensorFlow, AI/ML, MySQL/MSSQL

ID : 1465
Data Scientist
Education level: Master's degree
Work experience level: Associate- (1-2 year experience)
Special Notes :

Python, NodeJS, CorePHP, C/C++, Java, JavaScript, Tableau, PowerBI, DBMS, MongoDB, Assembly Language, Git/GitHub, Robotics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, DBMS, Web Development, App Development

ID : 1446
AI & ML Engineer
Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Special Notes :

Python, C/C++, SQL, Swift, Software Development, Data Engineering, Design Implementation, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision, Image Processing, IoT, ML framework, FPGA, Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson

ID : 1813
AI/ML Developer | R&D Specialist
Work experience level: Intermediate- (2-4 year experience)
Special Notes :

Top Skills: Python Core, Advanced Python, Statistics, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Tableau | Data Skills: Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Sklearn, Seaborn, OpenCV | IDEs: Visual Studio Code, Pycharm, Spyder,Jupyter, Google Colab | Software Skills: MS Power Point, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word

ID : 1440
Data Scientist/ AI & ML Developer
Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Special Notes :

Languages: Python, JavaScript| Database: RDBMS, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB | Tools: Visual Studio Code, Google Colab, Jupiter Notebook, Pycharm, PowerBI, Tableau, Spyder| Technologies: ML & DL

ID : 2020
Al and Data Science Specialist
Education level: Undergraduate
Work experience level: Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Special Notes :

An Artificial Intelligence and Data Science undergraduate with knowledge and skills in MS Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Languages: Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, R, and Tools: Pycharm, Intellij, Netbeans, Visual Code Studio, R Studio.

ID : 1268
Data Scientist
Education level: Master's degree
Work experience level: Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Special Notes :

Python, R, CSS, HTML, PHP, PostgreSQL, SQL, MongoDB, Power Bi, Excel, SQL, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Plotty Cufflink, Sci-Kit Learn, SVM, Linear/Logistic/DT RF Regression & Classification, XGB, CATBoost, LightGBM, Tensorflow, Pytorch, NLP, VGG50, InceptionV3, RCNN, Heroku, AWS(BeanStalk), GCP, Arduino, ESP8266(NodeMCU), PIC, Raspberry Pie

ID : 1429
Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Associate- (1-2 year experience)
Special Notes :

Image Processing - Pandas, Pillow, PdfPlumber, Pytesseract | NLP - Transformers, pytorch, Tensorflow | Machine Learning: Sklearn, Matplotlib,Numpy, Time-Series | Web Scrapping | Others - Colab, Linux, Google, Github, Trello, SQL | A1 profieciency in German language

ID : 1248
AI and Data Science Specialist
Education level: Doctorate degree
Work experience level: Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Special Notes :

Data Analysis tools: Matlab/Octave, SAS, R,Python | OpenCV, VXL, OpenCL, Image processing, Machine learning and Data Analytics techniques | C, Objective-C/Cocoa |Experience with MAC OSX, Windows, Linux |
Experience with Mongo database tools | Microcontrollers, Hardware Languages (VHDL) and platforms (Modelsim)

ID : 1013
Data Scientist/ AI Engineer
Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Special Notes :

Machine Learning, Clustering, Classification, ANN, Deep Learning, Word embeddings, Word2Vec, NLP, Document Semantic Matching, LDA, PCA, SVD | Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, C | Database: SQL Server, Elastic Search, MongoDB, Hive | Frameworks and tools, GitHub, Jira, Confluence, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

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