Software Quality Engineer

Software Quality Engineer
ID : 1685
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Expert- (more than year 7)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description
Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Quality Assurance Controller - IOM Lanka (PVT) LTD - ( February 2007 - March 2009)


Software Quality Assurance Engineer - IOM Lanka (PVT) LTD - (April 2009 - May 2014)

Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer/BI Developer - IOM Lanka (PVT) LTD - (June 2014 - February 2019)

Business Intelligence Developer - IOM Lanka (PVT) LTD - (February 2019 - January 2020)

Business Intelligence Engineer - IPD Colombo (PVT) LTD - (January 2020 - Present)

Hard skills
  • Skills
    • Experience with software development lifecycle processes
    • Ability to create test plans and analyze test results
    • Skilled in coding automated tests and documented test cases
    • Knowledge of web-based testing applications
    • Ability to research new tools and testing processes
    • Experience in online real-time support to international clients from countries such as Singapore,
      Vietnam, Malaysia, UAE, Seychelles etc.
    • Experience in SSIS, SSAS, SSRS
    • Experience of Telerik reporting tool.
  • Technical Skills
    • Languages:
      • C++
      • Java
      • Prolog
      • Pascal
    • Database:
      • Oracle
      • MySQL
      • SQL Server
      • 2000/2005/2008R2/2012/2018
      • SQL Express
    • Test Process Tools
      • TFS
      • Microsoft Test Manager
        SQL Server Business Intelligence (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS)
        Power BI
    • Operating System
      • Windows 2000/XP/Vista7
      • Windows 8.1
      • Windows 10
      • LINUX
  • My Digital Skills
    • Microsoft Office
    • Google
    • Drive
    • Zoom
    • Social Media
    • Microsoft Power point
    • Outlook
    • Facebook
    • Skype
    • LinkedIn
Soft skills
Special notes

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