Software Engineer/ IT Executive/ Software Developer

Software Engineer/ IT Executive/ Software Developer
ID : 1827
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Intermediate- (2-4 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Ambitious, efficient and adaptable individual is willing to step into a professional career within a dynamic organization that offers an opportunity for progression.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Associate Software Engineer - Champ Soft (PVT LTD) - (2021 - Present)

  • Health care system for elders (NodeJs)
  • Hospitality Management system (NodeJs)

Trainee Software Engineer - MobiOs (Pvt Ltd) - (2021 )

  • Hospitality Clinic Management system (ASP.NET)
  • Hospitality Inward Management system (JavaEE)
  • Covid Management System (ASP.NET)

IT Executive - Orel IT (PVT LTD) - (2019 - 2021 )

  • Installing, configuring, troubleshooting computer hardware, software, and network.
  • Providing technical and installation support
  • Experienced in Linux environment
  • Experienced in Cisco switch configuration and Network Security

Software Developer - IAS Solutions (Pvt Ltd) - (2018)

  • Tourism Management Systems (
  • Educational Institute Management System (
Hard skills
  • Web front-end development.
  • Languages – NodeJs, C#, ASP.NET ,Vanilla JS,
  • Database - MySQL, MSSQL and DynamoDB.
  • Version Control - TFS , Github & CodeCommit
  • API - REST and GraphQL
  • Cloud - AWS
Soft skills
  • Best in teamwork
  • Communication skills
  • Collaborative nature
  • Self-motivation
  • Time management
  • Adaptability
  • Quick learner.
Special notes

Web front-end development, Languages – NodeJs, C#, ASP.NET ,Vanilla JS,JQuery, Database - MySQL, MSSQL and DynamoDB, Version Control - TFS , Github & CodeCommit, API - REST and GraphQL, Cloud - AWS

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