Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1487
Education level  : Master's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am Passionate to learn and explore new technologies, puctual, hardworking and goal oriented person. Computer science backgorund. Completed Master degree in MCA, Seeking for IT jobs.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Engineer (Intern) - In Creintors Automation Solutions Pvt Ltd, Belagavi - (April 2022 - June 2022)

As a  intern in this company I worked on real time project, R & D in image Processing Generated useful reports in the duration.

Hard skills
  • Programming Languages
    • Java
    • Bootstrap
    • Javascrpt
    • PHP
    • SQL
    • Python
    • JavaFXML
  • Tools
    • MySQL
    • Scene Builder
    • Netbeans IDE
    • XAMPP Server
Soft skills


  • Successfully completed machine learning using python 5 days hand on couse at GIT college
Special notes

Java, Bootstrap, Javascrpt, PHP, SQL,Python, JavaFXML, MySQL, Scene Builder, Netbeans IDE, XAMPP Server

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