Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1081
Work experience level  : Expert- (more than year 7)
Job type  : Online
Last date of registration :
Profile description
Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description
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Hard skills

Languages: Java, Java Script, Android, Swift,
Flutter, python, C, MSSQL,
MySQL, PHP, React

Frameworks and tools: AWS, S3, RDS, Spring boot,
Struts, Hibernate, Junit, Docker,
Spring, Angular, GraphQL,
Jenkins, Kanban, Jira, Trello, GIT
, SVN, Maven, NPM

Other:Firebase, REST, Google
Analytics, Google cloud platform,
Data Studio, Recommendation
engine, Doofinder, CentOS,
Ubuntu, JWT, Auth0


Soft skills
Special notes

Masters in Business Administration
Business Administration London Metropolitan
March 2021 - current

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