Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1678
Education level  : Master's degree
Work experience level  : Intermediate- (2-4 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description
Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Engineer AI/ML - Virtusa (Pvt) Ltd - (October 2021 - Present)

  • Developing Classifications models for sentence classification using BERT model outputs, contribute to implementation of conversational chatbots, NLP, Requirement analysis and management, Analyzing Production Issues, participate for daily onsite/offshore sync up calls and team meetings
  • Technologies Used
    • Python
    • Kore.AI Platform
    • Microsoft Excel
    • JavaScript

Junior Data Scientist - Innovation Quotient (Pvt) Ltd - (August 2021 - September 2021)

  • Requirement gathering, conduct data quality checks before model building, write python codes for data quality checks and training machine learning algorithm for different experimental runs, Re-implement the model using PySpark in Microsoft Azure and Azure Databricks, Communicate with client
  • Technologies Used
    • Python
    • PySpark
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Azure Databricks
    • Microsoft Excel

Software Quality Assurance Engineer - Virtusa (Pvt) Ltd - (2016 -2018)

  • Requirement analysis and management, Test case writing/ Reviewing/ Test Case Executing, Documentation, Analyzing Production Issues, communicate with onsite team and development team, Defect reporting and verification, participate for daily onsite/offshore sync up calls and team meetings, Training new members to the project
  • Technologies Used
    • SOAPUI
    • TOAD
    • Quality Center
    • SQL
    • Microsoft Excel

Trainee software engineer - Ceylon Linux (Pvt) Ltd

  • Designing interfaces, programming android projects, database designing and creating databases, testing developed android applications (black box white box testing) and developing web applications
  • Technologies Used
    • android SDK
    • SQLite
    • MYSQL
    • Java
    • JSON
    • PHP
Hard skills
  • Languages
    • R
    • Python
  • Technologies:
    • Git
    • PySpark
    • Microsoft Azure Azure Data Bricks
    • MySQL
    • J IRA
Soft skills
Special notes

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