Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1297
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Looking to apply solid knowledge of software development practices and build on skills developed in previous work experience. Pro-active and keen to learn, wishing to make a positive contribution for the advancement of the organization.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Engineer - Fortunaglobal (PVT) Ltd - (2022 )

Software Engineer - IMS (PVT) Ltd - (2021)

Associate Software Engineer - EFutures (PVT) Ltd - (2019)

Software Engineer - trainer Creative-2(PVT) Ltd - (2017)

Hard skills
  • Fram works
    • Laravel, CakePHP, Flutter,
      React JS, Codeigniter
  • Web Languages
    • HTML, CSS, JS, PHP
  • Database Systems
    • MySQL, MS Access
  • Application servers
    • XAMPP, Tomcat
  • Operating systems
    • Windows, Linux
  • Graphic
    • Adobe Photoshop CS6,
    • CorelDraw
  • Platform as a service
    • Docker
  • Source Control
    • GitHub, Bitbucket
Soft skills
  • Played for the school badminton team.
  • White Stage in Wushu Team
  • Vice President in School Library Society
  • Executive Member of the School IT Society.
  • Participated to the Inter Houses
    School sport meets and has winnings.
Special notes

Framworks: Laravel, CakePHP, Flutter, React JS, Codeigniter | Web Languages: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP| Database Systems: MySQL, MS Access | Application servers: XAMPP, Tomcat | Operating systems: Windows, Linux | Graphic: Adobe Photoshop CS6, CorelDraw | Platform as a service: Docker | Source Control: GitHub, Bitbucket

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