Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1665
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Intermediate- (2-4 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am experienced Android Engineer with 3+ years working with Java with latest technology stack. Along with that I have worked on Kotlin, Flutter and contributed my best on implementing features on project with Research.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Engineer – Proitzen (PVT) LTD - (July 2021 – Present)

  • Develop, test, and implement application features according to business requirement with Java
  • Working with the team to sync up with new projects, demonstrations, client changes to make the project better
  • Work with experienced team members to conduct root cause analysis of issues, review new and existing code
  • Worked closely with core technology teams and other platform teams to balance cross-platform consistency with Android-optimization
  • Designing screens to be supported in Phone and Tablet devices
  • Maintaining code standards and reviewing code of team members
  • Recommending technology upgrades to software.

Associate Mobile Application Developer - Cybezilla (PVT) LTD - (July 2020 – June 2021)

  • Designing UI according to the business plan
  • Maintaining code standards and reviewing code of team members
  • Java, Rest API,, Firebase database, Firebase notification technologies were used
  • Communicating between three applications (iDesk – Teacher, Student and Parent) real time with Web Sockets.

Trainee Mobile Application Developer – eBEYONDS (PVT) LTD -(October 2019 – June 2020)

  • Java, Rest API, Firebase database, Firebase notification technologies were used.
  • Implement applications from flutter with self-learning.
  • Implementing cross platform communication with iOS and android application using flutter

Associate Image Processor – Orel IT (Pvt) Ltd - (May 2016 – May 2019)

  • Effective management of project
  • Effective leadership qualities on managing the team members in projects
  • Client handling related to project
Hard skills
  • Expert at Java SDK design functionality, including the full activity lifecycle
  • Knowledgeable about back-end development and documentation
  • Writing efficient, maintainable, and reusable code
  • Analytical user of GIT version control implementation
  • Collaborate and support team members to make a better
  • Knowledge of IT architectures and technical standards.
  • Technologies
    • Java
    • Android Studio
    • SQLite
    • React Native
    • Kotlin
    • Firebase
    • PHP
    • Retro-fit
    • Flutter
    • Version Control Firebase
Soft skills
  • Successfully completed The Intermediate level of Diploma in English
Special notes

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