Software Developer

Software Developer
ID : 1672
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

The software engineer who is with more than 6 years industrial experience and dedicated for providing solutions and good with practical knowledge in software development life cycle for enterprise solutions, and also capable for new challenges, should be look on new opportunities to join a productive team which is using technologies properly to add value.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Senior Software Engineer - Wiley Global Technology - (January 2022 to present)


  • Working as Team lead
  • Interviewer
  • Involved for project development

Senior Software Engineer - Creative Software - (April 2020 to January 2022)

  • Involved for project development
  • Investigated web security and reviewed vulnerabilities of existing projects.

Trainee to Senior Software - Engineer Inova IT Systems - (Sep 2016 to April 2020)

  • Participated in the design and development of a project, based on client specifications.
  • At Dialog Axiata and Commercial bank, worked as an outsources developer.
Hard skills
  • Microservice Architecture
      • WSO2 API Manager (MIFE)
      • Amazon API Gateway
      • Spring Cloud Gateway
      • Netflix zuul
    • Load Balancer
      • Application Load Balancer
      • Spring Cloud Ribbon
    • Service Discovery
      • Spring Cloud Netflix
    • Circuit Breaker
      • Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker
        [Resilience4J, Spring Retry]
    • Distributed tracing
      • Spring Cloud Sleuth
      • Zipkin
    • Containerization technology
      • Docker
  • Security
    • OAuth 2.0
    • Json Web Token (JWT)
    • Key Cloak
    • Okta
    • Web Security
  • Databases
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB
    • Redis Cache
  • Cloud
    • AWS
  • Versions Controllers
    • Git
    • SVN
  • Messaging Queues
    • Apache Kafka
    • RabbitMQ
  • Code analysis tool
    • SonarQube
    • Checkstyle
  • CI/CD Tool
    • GoCD
    • Jenkins
  • Other Technologies
    • ELK Stack
    • WSO2 EI , WSO2 ESB
    • Visual VM
    • Dynatrace
    • Apache JMeter
    • Unit Test


Soft skills
  • First place - Inova IOT Hackathon (Team Event)
  • Championship - Sri Lanka University Games 2016,Karate (Kumite)
  • Sri Lanka University Colors
  • Colombo University Colors
  • University of Colombo School of Computing Colors
  • Captain - Karate Team University Of Colombo
  • Member of UOC amalgamated club
Special notes

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