Data Scientist

Data Scientist
ID : 1288
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Associate- (1-2 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

A Purpose-driven Data Scientist with deep Analytical and Quantitative Expertise. Seeking to leverage superior strategic and data mining skills to major company challenges. Coming with strong programming skills and ability to build complex predictive models and Machine-Learning Algorithms.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Junior Data Scientist - Lince Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd. - (February 2020 -- Present)

  • Created and implementing data models that contributed to achieving 25% higher returns compared to previous years
  • Worked closely with business partners and stakeholders to determine how to design analysis and measurement approaches to improve their ability to understand and address emerging business issues.
  • Implemented advanced and innovative analytical techniques, efficient predictive models, Machine-Learning Algorithms, and tools to make data actionable and relevant to stakeholders through exploratory analysis of internal and external data sources.
  • Proposed out-of-the-box solutions and strategies to business challenges.

Mechanical Engineer (Supervisor) - M/s. Vijaya Bhavani Industries Pvt Ltd – Hyderabad, Telangana. - (October 2015 – September 2019)

  • Review Production Plan and allocate work within available manpower for the day. Assign duties among the workers according to their ability, interest and efficiency.
  • Ensure raw material availability for the consecutive weeks. Maintain the machine down time as per targets and Ensuring Quality during Production.
Hard skills
  • Python
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib & Seaborn Data
  • Visualization
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • SQL
  • NLP
  • Web Scraping
Soft skills
  • Certificate of Excellence for Data Science & Machine Learning complete course from Coding Ninjas.
  • Data Science Certification for Data Science Training Program from Vision Data Science.
  •  Certificate for completion of Machine Learning and Data Science with Python from Goeduhub Technologies.
Special notes

Python, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib & Seaborn Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Data Science, SQL, NLP, Web Scraping

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