Data Scientist / ML Engineer

Data Scientist / ML Engineer
ID : 1439
Education level  : Undergraduate
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I'm a computer engineering student ( GPA 3.28 ) with around 2 years of experience in data science & analysis project work and I’m looking to get my first job as a data analyst / ’ML Engineer

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Former AI intern - Orange Digital Center - (octomber 2022)

Former AI intern - ITI - (september 2022)

Hard skills
  • Python
  • SQL
  • R
  •  Numpy
  • pandas
  • seaborn
  • matplotlib
  • sklearn
  • plotly
  •  Probability and statistics [descriptive & inferential ]
  •  Mathematics [ Linear Algebra & Multivariate Calculus ]
  •  Machine learning [ supervised & unsupervised ]
  •  Data Visualization [ Power bi & Tableau ]
  • Web Scraping [ Beautiful Soup & Selenium ]
  • Tools [ Jupyter & Colab & Git and Github }
  • Aware of Data Warehouse , Data Mining
  •  Aware of Deep Learning
    • DNNs
    • CNNs
    • RNNs
    • GANs
  •  Aware of NLP Techniques
    • TF-IDF
    • BOW
    • Tokenization
    • Stemming
Soft skills
  • Storytelling skills
  • Critical thinking to make analysis
  • Communication and presentation skills

Courses & certificates

  • Udacity nanodegrees
    • Data Analysis Challenger Track
    • FWD Udacity o Data Analysis Professional Track
    • FWD Udacity o Data Analysis Advanced Track
    • FWD Udacity o Machine Learning Fundamental
    • Bertelsemann Scholarship
  • Other platform
    • Database foundation Mahara tech
    • Mahara tech o Intro to Deep Learning  Mahara tech
    • Machine learning form A to Z Udemy
  • Volunteering experience & activities
    • GDSC Al - azhar (Carunt)
      • Member in Ml  committee - 2021
      • Vice Head data science committee - 2022
        • Preparing Tasks for sessions
        • Typing posts related in sessions
        • Lectured 60+ enthusiasts about DS Lectures
    • Az scencs (Carunt)
      • Vice head machine learning committee - 2022
        • preparing slides ND tasks for sessions
Special notes

Python, SQL, R, Probability and statistics [descriptive & inferential], Mathematics [Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus], Machine learning [supervised & unsupervised], Data Visualization [Power bi, Tableau], Web Scraping [Beautiful Soup & Selenium], Tools [Jupyter, Colab, Git, Github], Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Deep Learning, NLP Techniques

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ID : 2039
Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
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