Data Scientist/ Python Developer

Data Scientist/ Python Developer
ID : 1443
Education level  : Master's degree
Work experience level  : Intermediate- (2-4 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description
Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Python Developer freelancer (Remotely part time) - Upwork - (December 2019 - present)

  • Scraping data from different websites.
  • Refining Financial Strategies (Alpha testing).
  • Data Gathering, Data Analysis and Data cleaning.
  • Writing automated python scripts.

Data Science Intern (Remotely Full time) - T2 Company for Research and Development - (May 2021 - Octomber 2021)

  • Scraping data from different websites.
  • Data Gathering, Data Analysis and Data cleaning.
  • Writing automated python scripts.
  • Working on some basic chatbots using Rasa framework.
Hard skills
  • Problem Solving (l) and (II) with C++
  • Operating System Concepts
  • Web Development
  • Database Design
  • Object Oriented Software
  • Advanced Database
  • Object Oriented Programming (O.O.P.)
  • Network
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
  • System Analysis and Design
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Calculus
  • Linear Algebra
  • Cloud
  • Advanced Algorithms
  • Image processing
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Machine Learning & Neural Networks
  • Multimedia Programing
  • Discrete Mathematics
Soft skills
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Fast Learner
  • Working under
  • pressure
  • Optimistic
  • Easy-going
  • supportive
  • active
  • keen on learning
  • attention to details
  • self-motivation


  • Publishing a book chapter at an international journal in Springer under the title
    “Hyper-parameters Optimization of Deep Convolutional Neural Network for
    Detecting COVID-19 Using Differential Evolution”. (2022)
  • Published a research paper in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) under the title of Automatic Short Answer Grading where we have reached the state of the art on a specific data set called North Texas Data Structure data set. (2022)
  • Published a research paper in the field of Machine Learning and deep learning proposing a new Algorithm which is (ALRS) with some out-standing accuracies for the detection of breast cancer. (2020)
  • Winning the bronze medal in Huawei ICT competition. (2021-2022)
  • Certified with Huawei HCIA of AI and deep learning. (2020)

Certificates – self-studying

  • Huawei Artificial Intelligence HCIA Certification (Huawei, 2020) Passing Huawei HCIA Artificial Intelligence HCIA Exam.
  • IBM Artificial Intelligence Developer Certification (IBM, 2020) Passing Artificial Intelligence Developer– Master Award of IBM
  • IBM Cloud Application Certification (IBM, 2020) Passing Cloud Application Developer– Explorer Award of IBM
  • Machine Learning Course on Coursera with Andrew NG (Coursera, 2020)
    Studying the art of Machine Learning and modern algorithms, linear and logistic regressions, SVM, K-Mean and Neural Networks.
  • Deep learning and Neural Networks Course on Coursera with Andrew NG (Coursera, 2020)
  • Tuning Hyper-parameters Course on Coursera with Andrew NG (Coursera, 2020)
  • A.I innovation extensive 3 weeks training at MSA (2020)
    • Finishing Image Processing, Human Computer Interaction, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Cyber Security Tracks as a member of MSA's A.I. Innovation course.


  • Short listed in the SmartEdu hackathon competition.
  • Short listed in the Nile University UGRF competition.
Special notes

Problem Solving with C++, Web Development, Database Design, OOP, Advanced Database Network, Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis, System Analysis & Design, Statistics & Probability, Mathematics, Cloud, Advanced Algorithms, Image processing, Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning & Neural Networks, Multimedia Programing, Discrete Mathematics

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