Data Scientist/ AI & ML Developer

Data Scientist/ AI & ML Developer
ID : 1440
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I’m a confident, adaptable, self- motivated team player with nearly 1+ years of experience in developing and Designing IT architecture using AI/ML techniques. Also I’m really comfortable with working with Data Science related projects and my career objective is to attain a position of Junior Data Scientist/ Data Analyst/ ML engineer/ Bigdata developer/ Data Engineer to contribute my knowledge, skills, creativity and experience for the advancement of the company while learning and making myself grow with the company

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description
  • Junior Data Scientist Intern (Remote) - HASHNATE Wallawatha, Sri Lanka - (December  2021 – May 2022)
  • Software Engineering Intern  POS System - HASHNATE Wallawatha, Sri Lanka - (July  2020 – December 2020)
  • Used Python Libraries, Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Performing analyses on client's data | Extending certain parts of the company's data | simplifying data problems
  • Testing new algorithms | Writing up results to share with others
  • Full Stack Development
  • Used Reactjs, Nodejs, Express Framework, MongoDB, Bootstrap, and REST API
  • Tools: VS code, Postman, Studio 3T, Firebase,
Hard skills
  • Languages
    • Python
      • Numpy,
      • Pandas,
      • Matplotlib,
      • Seaborn,
      • SciKit-Learn,
      • Keras,
      • TensorFlow
    • JavaScript
      • Reactjs
      • Nodejs
  • Database
    • RDBMS
    • MySQL
    • NoSQL
    • MongoDB
    • Cloud
  • Tools
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Google Colab
    • Jupiter Notebook
    • Pycharm
    • PowerBI
    • Tableau
    • Spyder
  • Technologies
    • Machine
    • Deep Learning
Soft skills
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Self-Motivated
  • Self-Learning/Adaptability

Professional certification

  • Azure AI Fundamentals [Microsoft Certificate: AI-900] (Reading)
  • Azure Data Scientist Associate [Microsoft Certificate: DP-100] (Reading)
Special notes

Languages: Python, JavaScript| Database: RDBMS, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB | Tools: Visual Studio Code, Google Colab, Jupiter Notebook, Pycharm, PowerBI, Tableau, Spyder| Technologies: ML & DL

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