Data Scientist/ Angular Developer

Data Scientist/ Angular Developer
ID : 1434
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description
Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Angular Developer - dot stack technologies - (January 2022 - Present)

Data science intern - Blue east (orient group of companies) - (November 2021 - Decemeber  2021)

  • Learned different softwares like postgre SQL, robo 3T
  • Data Cleaning.

Data science & business analyst - The sparks foundation - (May 2021 - July 2021)

  • Worked on Supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning models, Linear Regression with python scikit- learn, k-mean classification for prediction of optimum number of clusters.
Hard skills
  • Technical skills
    • JAVA
    • OOP
    • Angular
    • Data Science
    • Power BI
    • Machine Learning
    • My SQL
    • Python
    • Deep Learning
Soft skills
  • Research and Report Creation
  • Communication Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Google Cloud Skill Badges
    • I have received google cloud badges and Swags for completing more than twelve quests in google cloud platform which contains more than “8o” hands on labs.
  • Deploy Kubernetes 15 Day challenge
    • I have completed the “Deploy Kubernetes Skill badge” and received the badge and Swag for being one of the first 100 users to complete the challenge worldwide.
Special notes

JAVA, OOP, Angular, DataScience, Power BI, Machine Learning, MySQL, Python, Deep Learning

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