Skilled Data Science Research Associate specialized in Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques using Python. An insightful professional with 5+ years of experience ready to apply for a new role with room for growth and advancement.
Software Engineer - Google - (October 2020 - January 2022)
Data Scientist - KiKsAR Technologies Pvt Ltd - (February 2020 -August 2020)
Research Associate: Data Scientist - Miracle Software Systems, Inc. - (April 2017 - January 2020)
Built a Keras-model, which predicts the given input belongs to which car model, car series and also says which part of the car have been damaged
Roles and Responsibilities
Research Associate, Big Data - Miracle Software Systems, Inc - (February 2016 - April 2017)
Worked as part of the Miracle Innovation Labs to look at various use cases and business challenges that can be solved and implemented with the MongoDB. Developed some java applications using MongoDB.
Roles and Responsibilities
Programming Languages: MongoDB, MariaDB, SQLite, MySQL, Python |Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS |Platforms: IBM Bluemix, Pivotal Cloud Foundry | Other Technologies: GitHub, Jenkins