AI and Data Science Specialist

AI and Data Science Specialist
ID : 1248
Education level  : Doctorate degree
Work experience level  : Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am a computer vision and Data analytics scientist and an engineer with a focus on machine vision application. Mainly interest on very large scale analytic to understand human behaviour using multi modalities (audio, faces & gestures) specially, in educational, behavioural science and entertainment domains such as Televisions, Movies, Netflix etc..). I have work experience in domestic and international industries as an Engineer, Scientist and in academia. Beyond my background in computer vision and applied machine learning, my research often assimilates data science, large scale video data analytic, artificial neural networks, image processing, natural language processing, bio-medical engineering and human computer interaction.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Principle Data Scientist - Octave - The John Keells Group Centre of Excellence for Big Data Analytics, Colombo, Sri Lanka. - (June 2020 - Present)

Consultant - Lead Data Scientist - Millennium IT ESP Colombo, Sri Lanka - (October 2019 – June 2020)

  • Leading the data scientist team at MIT ESP

Consultant - Lead AI/ML Scientist - 99x Technology, Colombo, Sri Lanka - (June 2019 – March 2020)

  • Leading a team who are working on computer vision/machine learning and optimization problems for Norwegian projects.

Senior Lecturer - Research - Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Colombo, Sri Lanka - (April 2019 - December 2019)

Associate Research Scientist - Walt Disney Imagineering Disney Research Los Angeles, USA - (January 2018 - February 2019)

Visiting Computer Vision Scientist - Disney Research Zurich Switzerland - (2018 - 2019)

Associate Research Scientist - Walt Disney Imagineering, Disney Research Pittsburgh, USA - (June 2017 - December 2017)

Visiting Data Scientist - Disney ABC Television Group, Seattle, USA - Disney ABC Television Group, Seattle, USA - (February 2016 - May 2018)

Post-doctoral Associate - Walt Disney Imagineering, Disney Research Pittsburgh, USA - (February 2014 - June 2017)

Research and Development Lab Associate - Walt Disney Imagineering,
Disney Research Pittsburgh, USA - (July 2013 - December 2013)

Research and Development Lab Associate - Walt Disney Imagineering, Disney Research, Pittsburgh, USA - (January 2012 – July 2012)

Research Intern - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Brisbane, Australia - (August 2010 – December 2011)

QUT Academic Staff - Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia -

  • Coordinate tutoring and lab sessions for undergraduates' students in engineering systems course.

Graduate Research Assistant - Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia - (April 2009 – May 2013)

Research Assistant - Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Automotive Technology (AutoCRC), Melbourne, Australia - (April 2009 - August 2012)

Temporary Lecturer - Department of Computer Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka - (January 2009 – April 2009)

Associate Electronic Engineer - Zone24X7, Colombo, Sri Lanka- (February 2007 – August 2007)

  • Worked on embedded systems with Embedded C++.
Hard skills
  • Data Analysis tools such as Matlab/Octave, SAS, R,Python
  • OpenCV, VXL, OpenCL, Image processing, Machine learning and Data
  • Analytics techniques
    • C, Objective-C/Cocoa
  • Experience with MAC OSX, Windows, Linux
  • Experience with Mongo database tools
  • Microcontrollers, Hardware Languages (VHDL) and platforms (Modelsim)
Soft skills
  • Honors and Awards
    • US Patent US 9,361,705
    • US Patent US 9,443,144
    • US Patent US20200151524A1 (Pending)
    • US Patent US20190026631A1 (Pending)
    • Disney Invention Award 2016
    • Disney Invention Award 2017
    • Disney Invention Award 2018
    • Disney Invention Award 2020
    • AutoCRC Ph.D Scholarship Award
    • Queensland University of Technology Scholarship
  • Patents
    • P.Lucey, R.Navarathna, P.Carr, D.Candela and I.Matthews “Methods & Systems for MeaSURING Group Behaviour”, US20140270388
    • P.Lucey, R.Navarathna, P.Carr, D.Candela and I.Matthews “Methods & Systems for MeaSURING Group Behavior” US20140270483 A1
    • P.Carr, R.Navarathna, Z.Deng, S.Mandt, Y.Yue “Factorized Variational
      Autoencoders for Modelling Audience Reactions to Movies”, US Patent
      App. 15/654,529
    • S.Mandt, R.Navarathna, L.Chen , S.Lombardo “Automated Content
      Evaluation using an Artificial Neural Network”, 18-DS-326
  • Journal Publications
    • Navarathna, R., Carr,P., Lucey,P. and Matthews,I “Estimate Audience
      Engagement Levels to Predict Movie Ratings.”In IEEE Transaction of Affective Computing (IEEE TOAC 2017).
    • Lucey, S., Navarathna, R., Ashraf,A. and Sridharan, S. “Fourier Lucas Kanade Algorithm.”In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2013.
    • R. Navarathna, D. Dean, S. Sridharan and P.Lucey “Multiple
      Cameras for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition in an Automotive Environment” In Computer Speech and Language (CSL), 2013.
  • Conference Publications
    • P.Wickramasuriya, D.Senaratne, R. Navarathna “Cost Optimisation
      in ATMs Via Machine Learning” In International Symposium on Innovative Banking (InnovBank-20120) 2020.
    • S.Perera, K.Hewage, C.Gunarathna, R. Navarathna, D.Herath, R.Ragel “Detection of Novel Biomarker Genes of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Gene Expression Data” In 6th International Multidisciplinary Engineering Research Conference (MERCON) 2020.
    • S.Sha, R. Navarathna, L. Helminger, R.Weber “Unsupervised Deep Representations for Learning Audience Facial Behaviors ” In Computer
      Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW) 2018.
    • Z.Deng, R. Navarathna, P. Carr, S.Mandat, Y.Yue, I.Matthews “Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience Reactions
      to Movies” In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017.
    • R. Navarathna, P. Lucey, P. Carr, L.Carter, S. Sridharan & I.Matthews “Predicting Movie Rating using Audience Behaviours” In IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), USA, 2014.
    • X.Wei, P. Lucey, S. Sridharan, R.Navarathna and S. Morgan “Analyzing & Predicting Events in Soccer and Tennis using Spatiotemporal Data” In KDD Workshop on Large-Scale Sports Analytics, USA, 2014
    • S.Kalantari, R. Navarathna, D. Dean and S. Sridharan “Visual Front-End Wars: VJ Face Detector vs FLK” In Proceedings of 11th International conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), France, 2013.
    • R.Navarathna, D.Dean, S.Sridharan, C.Fookes and P.Lucey “Visual Voice Activity Detection using Frontal vs Profile” In Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Australia 2011.
    • R.Navarathna, S.Lucey and S.Sridharan “Fourier Active Appearance Models” In Proceedings of International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV), Spain, 2011.
    • R.Navarathna, T.Kleinschmidt, D.Dean, S.Sridharan and P.Lucey “Can Audio-Visual Speech Recognition outperform Acoustically Enhanced Speech Recognition in Automotive Environment” In Proceedings of 12th Interspeech Conference, Italy, 2011.
    • R.Navarathna, D.Dean and S.Sridharan “Visual Speech Recognition across Multiple Views in an Automotive Environment” In Proceedings of AutoCRC Conference (AutoCRC2011), July 2011.
    • R.Navarathna, D.Dean, P.Lucey, S.Sridharan & C.Fookes “Recognising Audio-Visual Speech in Vehicles using the AVICAR Database” In Proceedings of 13th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (SST), Australia 2010.
    • R.Navarathna, D.Dean, P.Lucey & S.Sridharan “Audio visual automatic speech recognition in vehicles” In Proceedings of AutoCRC Conference (AutoCRC2010), July 2010.
    • R.Navarathna, D.Dean, P.Lucey and S.Sridharan “Cascading Appearance- Based Features for Visual Voice Activity Detection” In Proceedings of 9th International conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Japan 2010. 5 of 9
    • R.Navarathna, P.Lucey, D.Dean, C.Fookes and S.Sridharan “Lip Detection for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition in-Car Environment” In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA), Malaysia 2010.
    • R.Navarathna, P.Lucey “Facial feature detection for in-Car Environment”In 3rd Biennial Smart Systems Confernece, Australia 2009.
    • R.Navarathna, S. Radhakrishnana, RG Ragel “Loop Unrolling in Multi-pipeline ASIP Design” International Conference on Industrial & Information Systems (ICIIS), 2009
    • R.Navarathna, S. Radhakrishnana, RG Ragel “Effect of Loop Unrollingin Heterogeneous Multi-pipeline ASIPs” Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, 2008
    • R.Navarathna, U.Bullumulla, G.Munasinghe, L.Ariyananda“Determining Capital Market Efficiency in the Colombo Stock Exchange using Technical Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks” Proceedings of the Sabaragamuwa University Research Symposium, 2008
  • Scientistic Academic Service
    • Program Committee Member for MAST, In conjunction with ICMI 2019
    • Reviewer for IEEE Transaction of Affective Computing (IEEE TOAC) journal
    • Reviewer for Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal
    • Reviewer for Multimedia System journal
    • Reviewer for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) conference
    • Reviewer for International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) conference
    • Reviewer for European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) conference
    • Reviewer for International Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) conference
    • Reviewer for Face and Gesture (FG) conference
    • Reviewer for AAAI conference
    • Reviewer for IEEE Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS) conference
    • Reviewer for Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) conference
    • Invited Sessional Chair, AutoCRC Technical Conference
  • Selected Media Coverage
    • Motivates Sri Lanka towards an AI Savvy Society, in SLASSCOM AI Summit 2019
    • SLASSCOM Quality and Business Excellence Summit 2019, in SLASSCOM QA Summit 2019
    • This facial recognition system tracks how you’re enjoying a movie, in TechCrunch 2017 6 of 9
    • Neural nets model audience reactions to movies, in Eurekalert 2017
    • Neural Networks Model Audience Reactions to Movies, in Caltech 2017
    • Neural nets model audience reactions to movies, In 2017
    • Disney Is Building Facial Recognition to Figure Out When You’ll Laugh
      During Toy Story 5, in gizmodo 2017
    • Watching you, watching it: Disney turns to AI to track filmgoers’ true
      feelings about its films, in cbcnews 2017
    • Disney reveals AI that can monitor cinemagoer’s faces to reveal what they REALLY thought of the movie, in Dailymail 2017
    • Disney’s Next Movie Could Watching You, Too, in FastCompany 2017
  • Teaching Experience
    • Senior Lecturer - Research,APIIT, Sri Lanka - Final year research projects (undergrad)
    • Teaching Assistant, QUT, Australia Conduct tutoring and lab sessions for Engineering systems (undergrad)
    • Teaching Instructor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Conduct tutoring and lab sessions for various Engineering courses(undergrad)
    • Temporary Lecturer, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Conduct tutoring and lab sessions for various Engineering courses(undergrad)
  • Students Mentored
    • Imesh Ranawaka, “Real time employee attendance system”, Asia Pacific
      Institute Of Information Technology, 2019
    • Dhanuka Basnayake, “Object counting system using image recogntion”,
      Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, 2019
    • Pasan Silva “Bird eye-view”, Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, 2019
    • Damian Rodrigo “Secure Mobile Voting Application using Face Recognition”, Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, 2019
    • Inuri Galhena “Student attendance system using face recognition”, Asia
      Pacific Institute of Information Technology, 2019
    • Moksha Nishadini “Leave classification system using machine learning
      methods”, Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, 2019
    • Sahan R.Z,“Automatically understand student engagement”, University
      of Jaffna 2019/2020
    •  Rajakaruna S.K. and Karunathilaka D.G. “System for predict win probability
      in IPL”, University of Jaffna 2019/2020
    • Ranathunga C.J. and Rathnayaka K.G. “Analyze Audience engagement
      for movie trailers”, University of Jaffna 2019/2020
    • Kaveesha Dilshani, Shehan Perera and Chamara Gunarathne “Machine
      Learning based Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease using Gene Expressions”, University of Peradeniya 2019/2020‘
    • Dinidu Bhathiya and Dulanja Wijethunga “Abnormal Breath Pattern
      Recognition in Babies”, University of Peradeniya 2014/2015
    • Lei Chen, Simon Fraser University, Canda 2018
    • Z.Deng “Factorise Variational Auto-encoders”, Simon Fraser University,
      Canda 2017
    • Suman Sha “Deep learning to measure audience understanding”, Oxford
      Brookes University 2018
  • Selected Keynotes, Talks & Presentations
    • Keynote: SLASSCOM AI Summit 2019
    • Keynote: SLASSCOM Quality and Business Excellence Summit 2019
    • Invited speaker at AI Summit Skills Day, Colombo, 2019
    • Invited speaker at Big Data Meetup, Colombo, 2019
    • Keynote: Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Business: Act Smart &
      Act Fast, Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Night, Colombo 2019
    • Invited speaker at Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, 2019
    • Poster presentation at CVPRW 2018, USA 2018
    • Poster presentation at CVPR 2017, USA 2017
    • Invited speaker at Disney ABC television DATG group, 2016
    • Invited speaker at Oculus/Facebook, 2015
    • Oral presentation at IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), USA, 2014
    • Poster presentation at KDD 2014 Sports Workshop, USA, 2014
    • Invited sessional chair, AutoCRC Technical Conference 2011, Melbourne 2011
    • Oral presentation at AutoCRC Conference, 2011
    •  Oral presentation at International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV), Spain 2011
    • Oral presentation at International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP), Japan 2010
    • Oral presentation at AutoCRC conference, 2010
    • Oral presentation at 3rd Biennial Smart Systems Conference, Australia,
    • Oral presentation at ICIIS 2008
Special notes

Data Analysis tools: Matlab/Octave, SAS, R,Python | OpenCV, VXL, OpenCL, Image processing, Machine learning and Data Analytics techniques | C, Objective-C/Cocoa |Experience with MAC OSX, Windows, Linux |
Experience with Mongo database tools | Microcontrollers, Hardware Languages (VHDL) and platforms (Modelsim)

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