Data Scientist

Data Scientist
ID : 1631
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Currently working as a Data Science and Engineering Associate in Sri Lanka. I have exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, as well as proficiency in multiple languages, which allows me to communicate with a wide range of people.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Data Science and Engineering Associate - Octave John Keells Holdings.

  • Data Engineer:
    • Develop end to end DE pipelines with Kedro and Azure ADF
    • Delta Live tables
    • Delta Sharing for sharing data with clients
    • Experience working in agile work environments (Sprint, scrum)
    • Developing CI/CD solutions in Azure DevOps for code deployment and Management
    • Shell and Bash Scripting
    • Version control with GIT
    • Working with APIs and REST API
  • Data Scientist
    • Experience in working with Supervised and Unsupervised Learning End to end ML Lifecycle management with MLflow(MLOps)
    • Experience in working with structured, unstructured, and Semi
      Structured data
    • Understanding regarding Deep Learning Algorithms (CNN, LSTM etc)
    • Feature Engineering
    • Translating a business problem to a solution which adds value to the business.
Hard skills
  • Software Packages
    • Databricks
    • Apache Hadoop
    • Apache Spark
    • Jupyter notebook
    • Pycharm
    • Anaconda
  • Programming Languages
    • Java
    • XML
    • Python
    • SQL
  • Libraries
    • OpenCV
    • Tensorflow
    • Keras
    • Seaborn
    • Matplotli
    • Scikit learn
    • Numpy
    • Pandas
    • Folium
    • MLflow
    • Feature store
    • Delta Sharing
  • Platforms
    • Windows
    • Azure
    • GCP
    • IBM cloud
Soft skills
  • Mandarin (Chinese) language
  • Certifications
    • IBM certified Applied Data Science with Python – Level 2
    • IBM certified Data Science Foundations – Level 2
    • IBM certified Deep Learning with TensorFlow
    • IBM certified Big Data Foundations.
    • IBM certified Python for Data Science
    • IBM Developer Skills Network: Data Visualization using Python
    • IBM Developer Skills Network: Data Analysis with Python
    • IBM Developer Skills Network: Data Science Tools
    • IBM Developer Skills Network: Deep Learning Essentials
    • Learning Azure DevOps: Linkedin Learning
    • SQL Essential Training: Linkedin Learning
    • NoSQL Essential Training: Linkedin Learning
    • Certified Proficiency in Chinese Language with HSK 4.
  • Chinese Language
    • Shanghai Tongji University, China.
      July 2014 – July 2015
Special notes

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