Data Scientist

Data Scientist
ID : 1624
Education level  : Bachelor's degree, Master's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

A self-motivated applicant with the passion for data analysis, data science, data visualization, statistical analysis & statistical researching. Looking forward to utilizing new skills and knowledge through gaining experiences.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Data Scientist - Hela Apparel Holdings - (June 2022 - Presnet)

  • Created an attractive power BI based work hours violation dashboard that displays daily, weekly work hours, and monthly OT violations committed by employees using the data from an Azure SQL database.
  • Devised an insightful KPI dashboard according to the business requirements to understand the behavior of customers and plants.
  • Redesigned HR dashboards to achieve business needs.
  • Worked closely with outsource team to meet the business requirements.

Data Analyst - Borough Markets - (November 2021 - June 2022)

  • Developed fully automated process to get data from out sources using API's and get required data, process data and pass into share point for marketing team requirements.  Analytical Tools - IBM, Python, Databricks Libraries - requests, xmltodict, numpy, pandas
  • IBM to Databricks Migration
  • Work closely with marketing team to achieve their daily requirements.
    • Analytical Tools - IBM, Python, Databricks, Acoustic
  • QA in data bricks data pipelines

Data Analyst (Internship) - Borough Markets - (May 2021 - October 2021)

  • Developed fully automated algorithm that generates items customers frequently bought together using customers sales data. Analytical Tools- IBM , Python Libraries - mlxtend, association rules, fpgrowth, pandas, numpy
  • Developed fully automated algorithm that converts different types of phone numbers Analytical Tools - IBM, Python Libraries - phone numbers, pandas, numpy,into international format and validate each phone number using phone number library
  • Exploratory data analysis conducts to understand the customers' demographics and sales. Using those insight attractive and insightful reports create to achieve marketing objectives.
  • Data Cleansing
Hard skills
  • Programming Languages
    • Python
    • R
  • Database/Server
    • SQL Server
  • Other Software/Tools
    • Power BI
    • SPSS
    • Mini Tab
    • Eviews
    • Amos
    • MongoDB
    • Excel
    • R studio
    • Tableau
Soft skills
  • Communication and motivation
  • Grooming team members
  • Problem solving
  • Public Speaking
  • Certificate Courses
    • Certificate in Computer Science - National Institute of Business Management - June 2016
    • Intermediate English Course - SVS School for English December 2016
  • Open Online Courses
    • Introduction to Probability and Data with R - Duke University (Mar 2020)
    • Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python - University of Michigan (Apr 2020)
    • SQL for Data Science - UCDAVIS University of California (Apr 2020)
    • Data Visualization with Python - IBM (Jun 2020)
    • Essential Design Principles for Tableau - University of California, Davis (Apr2021)
    • Data Engineering for Everyone - DataCamp (Jun 2021)
    • Intermediate Python - DataCamp (Jun 2021)
    • Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1) - DataCamp (Jun 2021)
    • Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2) - DataCamp (Jun 2021)
    • Market Basket Analysis in Python - DataCamp (May 2021)
    • Data Manipulation with pandas - DataCamp (Jun 2021)
    • Joining Data with pandas - DataCamp (Jul 2021)
    • Introduction to Importing Data in Python - DataCamp (Jul 2021)
    • Intermediate Importing Data in Python - DataCamp (Jul2021)
    • Exploratory Data Analysis in Python - DataCamp (Jul2021)
    • Cleaning Data in Python - DataCamp (Jul2021)
    • Streamlined Data Ingestion with pandas - DataCamp (Sep 2021)
    • Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL - DataCamp (Sep 2021)
    • Programming for Everybody - University of Michigan (Dec 2019)
  • Publications
    • S.A.A.W. Sooriyapperuma,C.L.K.Navarath na."Determinants of Employees' Job Satisfaction when Work from Home; with particular reference to the telecommunication and software companies in Colombo district Sri Lanka, in Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology, Volume 3, Issue2,2021
  • Accomplishment
    • The best research abstract award at VURD 2021
Special notes

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