Data Engineer / Data Analyst

Data Engineer / Data Analyst
ID : 1802
Education level  : Undergraduate
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Ardent & meticulous with data-driven & technology-focused approach, accomplished in compiling, transforming and analysing complex information through Data manipulations, explorations & modelling. having a pre-existing background in computer science from my tertiary institution, I have consecutively built a pre-eminent stronghold in machine learning, mathematical and statistical methods, data analysis, Deep Learning, artificial intelligence with the most recent being data engineering & cloud computing. I have experience working with large & complex data sets with special analytical, modelling, evaluation and results communication skills. I also have a great exposure on working within teams with close collaboration when running projects to achieve an effective and maximum positive effect and result.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Data Engineering Internship - Hamoye - (July 2022 to Present)

  • Utilized various analytical techniques to transform, Explore, visualize and modeled data using python programming language.
  • Lead a team of passionate engineers and data scientists during the premier project in building a machine learning model to help companies easily detect burn out by predicting the burn rate of their employees and take percussive measures to reduces damages that might be incurred due to burn out.
  • Learnt to work with Kubernetes, Docker and Kubeflow during the course of my program.
  • Participated in a capstone project on Natural languages processing to predict a supreme court judgement and deployed it using Streamlit.

Natural Language Processing Internship - DeepLearning.AI - (October 2022 - October 2022)

  • Worked with various NLP libraries to Process text, including tokenization and representing sentences as vectors
  • Build natural language processing systems using TensorFlow
  • Applied pre-trained models to use by during training to achieve better results (transfer learning).
  • Applied RNNs, GRUs, and LSTMs in TensorFlow
  • Trained LSTMs on existing text to create words prediction and an original poetry from the model.

AI for Medical Diagnosis internship - DeepLearning.AI - (October 2022 to October 2022)

  • Applied AI to medical use cases by building convolutional neural network image classification and segmentation models to make diagnoses of lung and brain disorders.
  • Created customs loss functions and training weights adjustment to tackle problems of class imbalance as it is a major problem of AI application in the medical field
  • Performed vigorous image augmentations on datasets before training.
  • Utilized ANN, CNN architectures and other powerful pre-trained Neural network models like the U-Net for images segmentation and classification.

Intro TensorFlow for AI, ML, and DL internship - DeepLearning.AI - (September 2022 - September 2022)

  • Learnt best practices for using TensorFlow to build scalable Artificial intelligence applications and AI models.
  • Trained a neural network for a computer vision application and also applied pertained models for better results.
  • Understood how to use convolutions to improve neural networks and computer visions efficiency.

Data Analysis Internship - One Campus Academy - (December 2021 -June 2022)

  • Collected, pre-processed, visualized and interpreted trends and patterns in both simple and complex data sets while observing best practices.
  • Provided viable insights from data by carrying out Exploratory data analysis and manipulations.
  • Utilized various professional statistical techniques in exploration, transformation, formatting and modelling data.
  • Performed analysis for customers segmentation and profiling.

Organizational Assistant - National Association of Computing Students
- (June 2021 - August 2021)

  • Involved in Planning and managing the 2021 Tech Hackathon for the National Association of computing students (NACOS), Unilorin chapter.
  • Provided a suitable environment for the participants to engage and collaborate within themselves and have an opportunity to meet and discuss with reputable individuals already doing well in their choice of career track in computer programming.
Hard skills
  • Programming languages and frameworksPython - Tensorflow, PyTorch, SQL, and scikit-learn.
  • Cloud Computing: Azure.
  • Kubernetes, kubeflow and Docker.
  • Data collection, preprocessing, visualization, modelling and pipelining.
  • Machine learning and mathematical modelling.
  • Artificial Neural Networks: DNNs, RNNs, CNNs and GANs Transfer learning.
  • Exploratory, Descriptive, inferential, predictive and time series/sequential analysis.
  • Natural language processing.
  • Recommendation systems
  • Machine Learning Deep Learning Data pipelining
Soft skills
  • Certifications and Licenses
    • Data Engineer, Hamoye - 2022
    • AI for Medical Diagnosis, DeepLearning.AI - 2022
    • Natural languages Processing, DeepLearning.AI - 2022
    • introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning, DeepLearning.AI - 2022
    • Data Analyst, One Campus Academy - 2022
Special notes

Python, SQL, Cloud Computing: Azure, Kubernetes, kubeflow and Docker, Data collection, preprocessing, visualization, modelling and pipelining, Artificial Neural Networks: Exploratory, Descriptive, inferential, predictive and time series/ sequential analysis, Natural language processing, Recommendation systems, ML & DL

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