Data Analyst/ Data Engineer/ Data Scientist

Data Analyst/ Data Engineer/ Data Scientist
ID : 1807
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Associate- (1-2 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Data Engineer with more than 2 years’ experience identifying, analysing, and solving business problems with a strong drive to tackle business challenges. Knowledgeable in manipulating complex data, shaping, data auditing, data pipelines, performing RCA Analysis, creating custom-made KPI dashboards, cloud services with a growing understanding of RDBMS, NLP and Predictive Modelling.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Data Analyst |Data Engineer | Data Scientist - NIIT/Forte-Soft System -(September 2021 – Present)

  • NIIT is a global leader in skills and Talent Development that offers multi-disciplinary learning management and training delivery solutions to corporations, institutions, and individuals in over 30 countries and indeed Nigeria.
    • My role as required is to collect, create data pipeline, process, and transform data into usable forms and ensuring NIIT puts a lot of value on making things better & not reinvent the wheels – one of the key things I try to do
    • Develop and audit monthly Revenue Vs Set Target in collaboration with Sales Department & Marketing Unit
    • Reviewing all existing data lake, in between siloed department, setting up dimensional Modeler within operational machines before piping data into our premium Azure SQL Database
    • I routinely calculate our customers churn rate monthly to guide next month decision
    • Created dashboards using PowerBi and Tableau for the executive Team
    • Responsible for using data to bring solutions to some intricate business challenges using Excel Solver
    • I used data (sometimes Excel, SQL, Power BI, Python) in some ways to identify problem areas around our core area of business interest, the cost associated with each area & then communicate findings to Managers
    • Anything that bridges the gap between understanding and data brings true value to business is my passion e.g. I always try my possible best to fix problems arising from anything office related problems strive to provide technical Intelligent advisory to management
    • Thus, as expected of my current role, I leverage the seemingly infinite amount of our company data from various branches to achieve business goals. I am expected to uncover the latest trends in unstructured data through microscopic attention & analysis. My analysis is followed by effective communication and interpretation of the results, enabling the company to drive change & innovate into new business areas

Data Analyst | Software Developer - Landcore Energy Services, Ibadan (January 2020 – July 2021)

  • Created dynamic company website using HTML, JavaScript, and PHP.
  • As DBA, I was concerned with Data Dimensions, Accuracy, integrity, Validation checks
  • Ensuring we had a decent Data Structure for all departmental units
  • The entire data analytics platform was built around data lake house – easier for me to manage info sharing for different business units from Creation of DB to storing them inside Azure Data Warehouse
  • Using data to prioritize key initiatives to help leadership meet their vision/create their vision
  • Involved in day-to-day business where data is collected, stored in Data Lake
Hard skills
  • Programming languages & databases
    • Python, R, VBA, SQL Server(T-SQL), Oracle, Azure SQL.
  • Stats tools
    • Excel, R, Python pandas, (Excel Solver, Advance excel functions)
  • Data Cleaning and Manipulating tools
    • Power Query, SQL (DDL, DML, TCL, DCL, St Proc) Pandas, R TidyVerse, Power Pivot (DAX measures | Dashboards, Advance Pivot Table, Elegant Reporting, VBA Forms and Applications, Data Segregation Tool,
  • Financial Risk Management, Volatility Return, Sharpe Ratio
  • Data Visualization Tools
    •  Excel, Power BI, Tableau, R (ggplot2, highcharter) Flourish Data Studio, Google Sheets, Python packages (pandas, Plotly, Dash, Seaborn, Matplotlib Power point.
  • Transforming problems into questions to be analyzed.
  • I like to Transform data into Results.
  • Transform those results into business insights.
  • Data Communication, Data Driven Decision making
Soft skills
Special notes

Python, R, VBA, SQL Server, Oracle, Azure, Excel (Excel Solver, Advance excel functions), Power Query, SQL (DDL, DML, TCL, DCL, St Proc) Power Pivot (DAX measures | Dashboards, Pivot Table, Elegant Reporting, VBA Forms and Applications, Data Segregation, Financial Risk Management, Volatility Return, Sharpe Ratio, Data Driven Decision making

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