ID : 2032
Education level  : Diploma, Undergraduate
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Highly motivated Computer Science and Software Engineering graduate, with a great passion for technology and software development. I possess excellent problem-solving skills, a knack for learning quickly, and an eagerness to take on new challenges while being an excellent team player.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description
No data was found
Hard skills
  • Programming Languages
    • JavaScript (ES6)
    • Java
    • Python
  • Web development
    • Reac
    • Html
    • CSS
    • Sass
    • Bootstra
    • jQuery
    • PHP
  • Mobile Application Development
    • Android
  • Database
    • MySQL
    • Firebase
    • Mongo DB
  • Version Control
    • Git
Soft skills
  • Professional Qualifications
    • Certificate in JavaScript - tificates/CT SB1PNTQD
    • Certificate in Java - tificates/CT-D1LWTGK1
    • Certificate in JavaScript Basics - https://verify.mygreatlearning.c om/ DTZKKQYM
Special notes

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