Data Scientist

Data Scientist
ID : 1616
Education level  : Master's degree
Work experience level  : Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am a diligent and self-motivated individual having a deep interest in data science and machine learning. Applying algorithms to solve the business use cases that occur in day to day life and comforting the life of the people.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Senior Engineer - Data Science - Axiata Digital Labs (Pvt) Ltd - (July 2020 – Present)

  • Working on Data Science and Machine Learning Projects Related to Retail and Corporate Customers in Telecommunication Sector.
    • Employee Attrition Prediction Model for Call Center Agents.
    • Tier Point NBO (Next Best Offer) - Recommending the Best Product for the Loyalty Customer Base.
    • Prediction of the Customer Category Based on the Forecasted Loyalty Points Earned.
    • Clustering the loyalty customers based on the data and maintain retention of customers.
    • Recommendation of the best channel for sachet channel Activations in Televisions.
  • Working as the Track Lead for Business Intelligence Team Working as the Track Lead for Business Intelligence Team
    • B2C Journey Mapping (Identification and visualization of the Postpaid Billing Customer Base and Highlighting Patterns of Their Journey)
    • Customer T2R (Trouble to Resolve) Journey Mapping
    • MD App Failure Dashboard Visualization
    • Club Vision Segment of One Project
    • Dashboard Visualizations Related to IVR/Hotline/Outlet Touchpoints in Telco Environment.
    • Customer Non-Voice Dashboard Visualization.
    • Digital Persona Model-Segmenting of the Customers into Digital Personas.

Senior Executive - Data Engineer - Dialog Axiata PLC - (July 2018 - December 2020)

  • FCR - First Contact Resolution Project
    • Rule Based Model to replace the manual lodging of call center agents with an automated model.
  • Experience in working and analysing big data using Hadoop.
  • Development of Management Dashboard using data Studio in GCP where the data extraction was done though APIs (JIRA, SonarQube, Dynamics) and shell scripting and scheduling tasks for automation.

Associate Software Engineer - Intern - Pragmatic Test Labs Pvt Ltd - (February 2017 - July 2017)

  • Worked as an associate software engineer at pragmatic test labs for 6 months.
Hard skills
  • Languages
    •  Python
    • SQL
    • Pyspark,
    • R
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • Big data Analytics and Data Mining (Apache Spark, Map Reduce, Impala, Apache Hive and Kudu)
  • Data Mining and Analysis
  • Data Visualization (Matplotlb ,Tableau)
  • Semantic Web and Ontological Modeling
Soft skills
  • Professional and Other Qualifications
    • SQL for Data Science
    • Practical Machine Learning
    • Machine Learning with Big Data
    • Introduction to Data Science in Python
    • Introduction to Big Data
    • Distributed computing with Spark SQL
    • Data Warehouse concepts, design and data
    • integration
    • Big Data integration and processing
  • Successfully completion on below linkedIn courses
    • Data Visualization : Best Practices
    • Learning Data Science:Using Agile Methodology
    • Cybersecurit Awareness:Security Overview
  • Publications and Awards
    • Personalized Recommendation of Movies Using a Combined Approach of Locality Sensitive Hashing, K-Nearest Neighbor and Collaborative Filtering
    • Published in International Journal of Research Publications
    • Paper Link : detail/240
    • Paper Reference ID : 1007162018239
Special notes

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