full-Stack Software Engineer

full-Stack Software Engineer
ID : 1615
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Experienced- (4-7 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

A full-stack software engineer, with 5 years plus of proven field experience producing innovative and flexible business solutions with high quality coding according to industry standards. Top 5 skills: deep listening; mentoring; successfully completing projects in tight schedules and budgets; speed & interest in learning & mastering new technologies; staying curious.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Lead Software Engineer - IFS R&D International - (November - 2020 – Present)

  • Project: WorkWave (Team Lite, Real green Lite, Pest Pac Lite) Customer Portal- Field Service Management Operations Based inNew Jersey, USA.
    • Developed and maintained a web application to manage field services related operations including customer account management, scheduling jobs, task allocation for workers, getting paid faster for workers, commissions allocation, job cost calculations to create a more informed, independent and productive workforce and to provide a better user experience for the customers.
    • Methodically performed requirement gathering, user story and task breakdowns, estimating, scheduling, system design, implementation, code reviewing, optimizations, bug prioritizing, bug fixing and produced detailed technical documentation.
    • Helped the team to align with Scrum Ceremonies (Facilitates Sprint Review meetings, Code Review meetings, Retrospective Meetings) and helped process development.
    • Mentored junior developers and led sub teams to achieve goals of the project.
    • Technologies/Tools: – Asp.NetWeb API | Asp.Net 6 | Angular JS | React | Redux | Angular| MS SQL Server 2014 | TeamCity | Octopus | Jira | AWS(PAAS) | MUI | GIT | NServiceBus | ServiceInsight | Xunit | Type Script | DevExpress | Noda Time.

Senior Software Engineer - JADON Software Solutions - (April 2018 – November 2020)

  • Project: Air Liquide - Healthcare products selling, and distribution application catered in Singapore, Japan, and Korea.
    • Developed a web application to manage healthcare products selling and distribution including customer profile management, scheduling distribution, payments, and report generation.
    • Contributing to the process development and completed product development life cycle of successfully launched applications.
    • Proactive communication with clients and collaborate with the team to design and implement features.
    • Feature development conforming to design and meet deadlines whilst maintaining coding standards.
    • Executed demos every fortnight, at the end of the sprint, to keep all stakeholders in the loop and garner excitement and buy-in.
    • Mentored junior developers and led sub teams to achieve goals of the project.
    • UAT / Production Feedback Fixes and Support.
    • Technologies/Tools: Angular 9 | ASP.NET Core 3.1 | MS SQL Server 2017 | AutoMapper | AWS(PAAS) | Type Script | Azure Devops.
  • Project: Air Liquide – (CSS) Customer Service System –distribution application catered in Australia, New Zealand. China with 11 more countries.
    • Converted the legacy VB app to the Web based application (all the business requirements captured from the VB app) to manage customer quotations, purchase orders, delivery orders, and trip scheduling.
    •  Contributing to the process development & completed product development life cycle of successfully launched applications.
    • Developed the Country Specific modules proactive communication with clients and collaborate with the team to design and implement features.
    • Release Management.
    • Pre UAT, UAT and Production support.
    • Technologies/Tools: - Angular 9 | ASP.NET Core 3.1 | MS SQL Server 2017 | AutoMapper |Type Script | Crystal Report | Kendo UI | JWT | Azure Devops | AWS(PAAS)

Associate Software Engineer - Autum Soft - (April 2017 – April 2018)

  • Project: Emjay International (Pvt) Ltd - Logistic Management System
    • Developed a web application to manage Import, Export, Currier, and Transport operations while integrating with their ERP.
    • Developed the Reports Using Fast Reports.
    • On site Development.
    • Participated to the Requirement gather meetings.
    • Technologies/Tools: - Angular JS | ASP.Net MVC 5 | MS SQL Server 2016 | Fast Report | AutoMapper | Autofac.
Hard skills
  • Programming Language
    • C#
    • Javascript
    • TypeScript
  • Frameworks
    • ASP.NET
    • Angular
    • Angular.js
  • Libraries React
    • Redux
    • Kendo
    • MUI
    • Bootstrap
  • Tools
    • Visual Studio
    • VS Code
    • SSMS
    • DBeaver
    • ServiceInsight
  • Source Control
    • GIT
  • DBMS
    • MS SQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • My SQL
  • Testing
    • xunit
    • nunit
Soft skills
Special notes

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