IT Manager

IT Manager
ID : 1888
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Expert- (more than year 7)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Ten years experience in administration part such as directing, coordinating & maintain the development, implementation, & production activities of various information systems & handling Network swiches and PABX,CCTV Systems. Highly skilled problem solver with installation, conjuration and designing. Highly skilled in Project implementation, management, requirement gathering and client relation

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

IT Manager - MDK Group of Companies. - (2019 - Present)

  • Hospital Management System
  • Managing Channeling Appointments & Billing System
  • In-Ward Management System
  • Pharmacy Billing System with Batches & Barcodes
  • Pharmacy Stock Management System
  • Laboratory Management System
  • Hospital Payroll System with Time Attendancy
  • Software installing and maintaning
  • Conducted Helpdesk for System Users
  • PABX System maintain
  • Networking & Swich Maintaining
  • Configuration & Maintain Company CCTV System

IT Executive - MDK Group of Companies. - (2013 - 2019)

  • Factory Management System
  • Invoicng System
  • Stock Mangement System
  • Networking & maintaining
  • Configuration & Maintain Company CCTV System
  • Troubleshooting PC & Software errors
  • Troubleshooting Hardware errors
  • Configuring & Installing Wi-Max System
Hard skills
  • VB.Net
  • C#
  • SQL Server
  • My SQL
  • Crystal Report
Soft skills
Special notes

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