Trainee Software Engineer

Trainee Software Engineer
ID : 1880
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I'm enthusiastic about Software Engineering and passionate about working smart. I enjoy problem-solving, critical analysing &willing to embrace evolving cutting- edge technologies. In summary, working hard and finding smarter and sustainable solutions is my overall objective regards both my career ladder and my personal life.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Trainee Software Engineer - Institute of Java and Software Engineering (IJSE) - (May 2022 - Present)

  • TaskLead v1.0.0 - Task Management Application
    • A task management application that aims to manage task lists for individual projects added by logged in users.
    • Applied tech stack: Spring boot, Spring secuity, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, lombok, Commons-codec, Git, GitHub, Modelmapper
  • LibRun v1.0.0 - Library Management Application
    • A Library Management System for handling books, members, and issued and returned books.
    • Applied tech stack: JavaEE, Servlet, MySQL, jUnit, Maven Hibernate JPA, Tomcat, H2, Git, GitHub, Bootstrap, GCP
  • ProLinq v1.0.0 - ORM Framework
    • An Object Relational Mapping Framework designed using Java Annotation and Reflection APIs for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database
    • Applied tech stack: Java Annotation and Reflection APIs

Research Assistant - University of Moratuwa - (February 2020 - April 2020)

  • Developed a novel human energy harvesting exercise machine.
  • Developed a physiological parameter sensing unit for fatigue detection.
  • Applied tech stack: C++, python, MATLAB

Trainee Engineer - OREL Corporation (Pvt) Ltd - (June 2018- December 2018)

Hard skills
  • Programming Languages
    • Java
    • ECMAScript
    • TypeScript
    • SQL
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • SCSS
    • SpEL
  • Libraries and Frameworks
    • JavaSE
    • JavaFX
    • Spring
    • Spring Boot
    • Hibernate
    • Angular
    • ReactJS
    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
    • JUnit
    • Bootstrap
    • AdminLTE
    • Web API
    • jQuery
    • JakartaEE
      • Annotation
      • JSONP
      • JSONB
      • JAXP
      • Servlet
      • JAX-RS
      • JPA
      • Bean
      • Validation
    • Lombok
    • RxJS
    • Promises
    • Jackson
    • Databind
    • JavaFaker
    • Mockito
    • Axios
    • Animate CSS
    • SLF4J, LogBack
  • IDE and Editors
    • IntelliJ IDEA
    • VSCode
  • DBMS
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Redis
  • CI/CD
    • GitHub Actions
    • GCP
  • Tools
    • GitHub
    • Maven
    • Gradle
    • NPM
    • PNPM
    • Postman
    • BrowserSync
    • npx serve
    • Lite-Server
    • Nodemon
    • DataGrip
    • ParcelJS
  • SCM Tools
    • Git
  • OS
    • Linux
    • Windows
Soft skills
Special notes

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