Software Engineer

Software Engineer
ID : 1868
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am a highly motivated fresh graduate who is seeking for an industry placement in Software Development field. I have strong technical skills as well as excellent interpersonal skills &I am eager to be  challenged in order to grow & further improve my IT skills.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Software Engineer Intern - Mainframe (Pvt) Ltd - (August 2022 -Present)

  • Angular/.Net Core.
  • Working alongside Senior developers to upgrade and add new features to the project "".
  • Tasked to create a new feature that automates the existing way of manually handling transactions.
  • Experience in fixing Bugs, Defects and doing unit testing.

Trainee Software Engineer - University of Kelaniya - FCT (November 2018 - March 2019)

  • Mahapola Mobile App - Frontend coded using PHP (LARAVEL framework).
  • Tasked with designing the user interface for online and offline layouts.
  • Creating of test datasets of all the university students.
Hard skills
  • Development Environments
    • Intellij
    • Eclipse
    • VS Code
    • Visual Studio
    • Android Studio
    • Minitab
    • R Studio.
  • Languages
    • C#
    • Js(Angular)
    • Java
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Kotlin
    • C++
    • Js
  • Databases
    • MSSQL
    • MySQL
Soft skills
Special notes

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Education level: Bachelor's degree
Work experience level: Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
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