Software Developer

Software Developer
ID : 1856
Education level  : Diploma, Undergraduate
Work experience level  : No experience- (0 experience)
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

A dynamic, energetic, innovative team player who is career driven. participated in many extra-curricular activities and got a lot of awards. Hard-working and good for problem-solving. Always ready to learn new things & face more challenges to get more experience.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description
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Hard skills
  • Programming languages
    • Python
    • R
    • Bash
    • SAS
    • Java
    • Frond end web Programming
  • Data modeling
    • Machine learning (Scikit learn)
    • Deep learning - CNN, Keras, TensorFlow
  • Development environments
    • Jupiter
    • notebooks
    • R studio
    • Spyder
    • PyCharm
  • Version control
    • Git
    • GitHub
  • Big data analytic tools
    • Hadoop
    • Spark
  • Data visualization
    • Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, Plotly, Dash
    • Ggplot2
    • Power BI
    • Tableau
  • Mathematics
    • Calculus(Introdu ctory, ODEs & PDEs)
    • Statistics & Mathematical Statistics
    • Linear algebra
  • Business related modules
    • Computational Finance
    • Economics
    • Customer & Operations
  • Database management software
    • MySQL
    • NoSQL
  • Operating systems
    • Linux
Soft skills
  • Completed the 1st year with Distinction Science circle invention center ('Vishwakarma sammanaya' 2009 – 1st place /2016 1stplace, 2nd place).
  • Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of science (2011 - silver medal/2014 – merit award / 2018 – silver medal).
  • Sri Lanka inventors commission ‘sahasak nimawum’ (school category 2012 1stplace / school category 2018 – 3d place).
Special notes

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