A competent engineer specialised in the field of computer science and engineering working in designing and developing zero fault tolerance programs for large enterprises including fortune 500 companies. Has 5 years of industry experience and currently working at WSO2, the world’s number one middleware vendor as an Associate Lead Solutions Engineer.
Solutions Architect - StarTree inc - (May 2022 - Present)
Associate Lead Solutions Engineer - WSO2 inc - (January 2019 - May 2022)
Senior Software Engineer - Adroitlogic (Pvt) Ltd - (April 2017 - January 2019)
Google Summer of Code Intern & Contributor - Eclipse Foundation - (April 2016 - Jan 2017)
Software Engineering Intern - WSO2 - (Octomber 2015 - Apr 2016)
Personal Achievements
Java, C, Python, R, ReactJS, AngularJS, NodeJS, Spring, Maven, React Native, Containers, AWS, GCP, Version Controlling, RDBMS,NoSQL, Linux, OOP, Multi-threading