Data Scientist

Data Scientist
ID : 1460
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Beginner- (internship- 1 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am a data enthusiast with commendable analytical skills and sound educational background. I am familiar with the concepts of data cleaning, statistical analysis, drawing meaningful conclusions from data along with report making. Currently I am pursuing a Masters in Applied Statistics (Data Science) at MIT-ADT University.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Data Science Intern - LetsGrowMore (Virtual Internship Program) (September 2022 - October 2022)

  • Performed Data Cleaning and Pre-Processing using Python. Worked on Machine Learning Algorithms in python. Performed k-NN, Decision Tree and Random Forest Algorithms for Classification.
Hard skills
  • Python
  • R Programming
  • Tableau
  • Minitab
  • Data Cleaning,
  • Data Pre-Processing
  • Data Visualization
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Data Modeling
  • Data Interpretation
Soft skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Rational thinker
  • Adaptive and flexible
  • Leadership skills


  • Advance Google Analytics - Google Analytics Academy
  • Problem Solving Using Computational Thinking - Coursera
  •  Ask Questions to make Data Driven Decisions - Coursera
  •  Process Data from Dirty to Clean - Coursera
  •  Tableau 2022 A-Z : Hands-On Tableau Training for Data Science - Udemy
  •  Workshop on Algorithmic Development in Data Science - MIT-ADT University
Special notes

Reading: MSc. Applied Statistics (Data Science), Skills: Python, R Programming, Tableau, Minitab, Data Cleaning, Data Pre-Processing, Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis, Data Modeling, Data Interpretation

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