Data Analyst

Data Analyst
ID : 1681
Education level  : Undergraduate
Work experience level  : Intermediate- (2-4 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I'm talented with strong communication skills, and team spirit and an undergraduate in Computing and Information Systems desires the position of Data Analyst. Intend to work hard for the advancement of any project that I'm working on. I am a fast learner & technology passionate.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Data Analyst & Commercial Drone Pilot - Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company - (2021 August - 2022 May)

  • Here, as a drone pilot, it was my job to collect data, analyze it and prepare reports for the upper management. Using the KLM file given to me by the company, I should fly the drone and capture the image of the complete tea state. After that, it was my job to analyze the data through the Pix4D software and submit a report to the upper management about how to proceed, the current progress, and the places where fertilizer should be applied well.

Web Developer - Wenas Pvt Ltd - (January 2020 – May 2021)

  • Here I created two websites that are needed for this export of the company, namely an eCommerce website and a website to find foreign buyers who want to buy the products of this company. Also, I have provided a large number of emails needed for this organization through web scraping.
Hard skills
  • Programming Skills
    • Python
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Database Technologies Skill
    • MySQL
  • Frameworks and Libraries Skill
    • Bootstrap
    • Laravel
  • Tool Skills
    • MS Excel
    • Power BI
    • Tableau
    • Data Studio (Studying)
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • Premiere Pro
    • Adobe XD
    • WordPress CMS
Soft skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Team Working
  • Problem Analyzing Skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Design Thinking Skills
  • Digital Marketing Skills
  • Data Visualization Tableau Course, Great Learning
    • I have successfully completed Data Visualization using Tableau Course
  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
    • This is a 6-month certificate course offered by IBM (2022 – Present) Still Studying.
Special notes

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