Front-End Developer

Front-End Developer
ID : 1673
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Expert- (more than year 7)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

Seasoned front-end developer with over 10 years of experience in web application development. Proven track record in delivering high-quality, performant, and scalable Web apps using Angular, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

Associate Tech Lead – TIQRI (Pvt) Ltd - (April 2022 – Present)

  • Role: Playing full stack developer/lead role. Designing and developing web base applications. Worked closely with the stakeholders. Took a part of requirement analysis, estimation, and delivery planning.
  • Tech Stack: Angular 12, REST API, .NET core, SQL, Azure devops.
  • No of projects: 1 project (under commercial real estate domain)

Senior Consultant – Virtus (Pvt) Ltd - (September 2021 - March 2022)

  • Role: leading and managing front end team. Took a part of requirement analysis, estimation, task breakdown and delivery planning. Closely work with stakeholders.
  • Tech Stack: Angular 12, Graph QL, REST API, and Azure devops.
  • No of projects: 2 projects (under insurance and telco domains).

Consultant/ Associate consultant – Virtus (Pvt) Ltd - (September 2017 - August 2021)

  • Role: Played Lead/Senior engineer role. Took a part of requirement analysis, estimation, and delivery planning. Participated and conducted peer review and lead review to ensure code quality and performance.
  • Tech Stack: Angular 7+, REST API, Jenkins, and GIT Lab.
  • No of projects: 4 projects (under telco domain).

Senior Software Engineer – Virtus (Pvt) Ltd - (November 2015 - April 2017)

  • Role: Senior UI Engineer.
  • Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
  • No of projects: 1 project (under dealer distributor domain)

Senior/Junior Web Developer - Ebeyonds (Pvt) Ltd - (August 2014 - October 2015)

  • Role: Played senior web developer role.
  • Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and toolbox CMS.
  • No of projects: 1 project (under hospitality domain)
Hard skills
  • HTML, CSS, SASS Typescript, jQuery, Angular.
  • Setup configured and maintained the devops pipeline using Azure devops.
  • Transferable skills such as leadership, teamwork, adaptability, punctuality and attention to detail are often help me to grow my career and become a confident developer.
  • Superior development skills include Agile development, Web development, front-end development, UI/UX , project management, and technical documentation.
  • Additional tools and technologies: Jenkins, JIRA, SonarQube, Graph QL, REST API
Soft skills
Special notes

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