Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Artificial Intelligence Engineer
ID : 1429
Education level  : Bachelor's degree
Work experience level  : Associate- (1-2 year experience)
Work experience in total  : Years
Job type  : Online
Job time  : Maandelijks
Last date of registration :
Profile description

I am an AI Engineer with a huge passion about ML. I Love to solve problems and build algorithms. I'm eager to learn and gain the knowledge to build up my career. I'm a good coder and creative researcher with the determination to reach my goals.

Work experience In details :
Job position
Job description

NLP mentor volunteer - Coursera l online - (Octomber 2022 - Present)

Help other participants by answering their questions on the platform regarding the courses I studied before. Report any issues or bugs on the github repository.

Data Analysis/ Research  Intern Volunteer - ClearCO2 l Germany, Berlin remote - (August 2022 - November 2022)

  • Research on food waste and carbon based food and Analyze the data to make data driven decisions.
  • Design sustainable solutions and develop Artificial Intelligence models.
  • Prepare methodologies for getting carbon credits.
  • Web scrapping to collect data.

Quant Research  Intern - Unsigned Research l United Kingdom remote - (July 2022 - August 2022)

Implementation and analyzing to explore the predictive power of an alternative data feed over crypto prices.

Computer  Vision /IOT Intern -  The Sparks Foundation l Singapore remote - (May 2022 - June 2022)

Implement a Face-Mask-Detection project.

Computer  Vision /IOT Intern - Bright Network l United Kingdom remote -(June 2021 - August 2021)

  • Implement a simple youtube.
  • Get an exposure on big tech companies and the roadmap of their developers.

Co-Project Engineer/Developer - Koyo Software Solutions remote - (June 2021 - July 2021)

  • Distinguishing between Arabic and English numbers in the invoices
  • Processing invoice
  • Created the course materials (including codes and presentations) for teaching kids programming with different platform
  • Co-managing image processing interns

Image Processing Intern - Koyo Software Solutions l India remote - (May 2020 - July 2020)

Image processing for ID cards

Hard skills
  • Image Processing -
    • Pandas
    • Pillow
    • PdfPlumber
    • Pytesseract
  • NLP -
    • Transformers
    • pytorch
    • Tensorflow
  • Machine Learning
  • Data -
    • Sklearn,
    • Matplotlib,
    • Numpy,
    • Time-Series
  • Web Scrapping
  • Others -
    • Colab
    • Linux
    • Google
    • Github
    • Trello
    • SQL
Soft skills
  • Language - German
Special notes

Image Processing - Pandas, Pillow, PdfPlumber, Pytesseract | NLP - Transformers, pytorch, Tensorflow | Machine Learning: Sklearn, Matplotlib,Numpy, Time-Series | Web Scrapping | Others - Colab, Linux, Google, Github, Trello, SQL | A1 profieciency in German language

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