Data Analyst willing to work with an organization to interpret and analyze data in order to drive successful business solutions. Proficient knowledge in statistics, mathematics and analytics. Excellent understanding of analytics tools for effective analysis of data
Data Science and Business Analyst Intern - The Sparks Foundation - (August- 2021 to October 2021)
Worked on this Project in POWER BI Tool
1. Slicer Segment and Region 2. Sales by State and Country 3. Sales by Ship mode-Pie Chart 4. Sales by Top 5 Sub-Category 5. Sales by Bottom 5 sub-Category 6. Quantity by Category 7. Profit by State and Country 8. Profit by Ship Mode 9. Profit by Top 5 Sub-Category 10. Profit by Bottom 5 Sub-category 11. Product Summary 12. Card
1. Slicer -State 2. Active by State 3. Cards- Total Active, Total Confirmed, Total Deaths, Total Recovered cases 4. Top 5 Active State 5. Active, Confirmed, Deaths and Recovered cases by State shown through line graph
1. Buttons-Terrorism Trends, Details, Casualty Analysis 2.Trends-Top 5 Country 3. Targets 4. weapon Type 5- Event Details 6. Kills
by Weapon 7. Kills by Region 8. Kills by Target
Data Analytics Virtual Intern - KPMG - (August 2021- August 2021)
Over the periods of duration Completed practical task module in :
1. Data Quality Assessments -Highlights the summary statistics from the three datasets received. Data quality issues and improve the accuracy of the underlying data.
2. Data Insights-Data Visualization- Summary Dashboard-Targeting high value customers based on customer demographics and attributes.
3. Data Insights and Presentation Data analytics approach
Data Analyst - EmaChat Luxe - (July 2021-July 2021 )
Finance Report-Executive summary of: